primary bollard is a School Zone bollard that can be used in a multiple of ways and can be used to display all types of signs or messages in the school and in the surrounds of the premises. These bollards are designed to look like traditional pencil crayons.
This design aids them in being child friendly and highly visible making them a great platform for delivering clear and attractive messages to both the children and the adults.
Some advantages of the primary bollard
Completely Customisable and Great for School Branding
Because the Primary Bollard has been designed for off highway use they can be printed in whatever colour takes your fancy and can have any logo, sign or message you want. This makes them especially useful for identifying school boundaries and reinforcing the school brand when they are used with School logos or crests.
Reflect or don’t reflect
Primary bollards come with a reflective background with a printed face as standard to give excellent visibility both day and night, but if you don’t want that and would prefer a non-reflective surface then they can also be printed on to plain vinyl so there an option for everyone.
No falling down
Using eh same tech as the Duraflex self-righting traffic bollards means the Primary bollard will all get back up on its feet time and time again if ever knocked down so no worry of the message not getting through or being missed.
Some areas that the primary bollard could be put to good use would be areas such as, meeting points, school zones and fire assembly points for example.